Industrial. Field Studies. Laboratory.
Stay at the forefront of innovation with bNovate's compact and easy-to-use BactoSense on- and offline flow cytometers, which will support you to push the boundaries of science even further.
They are specialised for use in field environments with minimal training and deliver consistent results for the advancement of water science. Be it in water treatment and conservation, student education or environmental science, the uses are manifold and allow you to pioneer in your field of global research while having industrial impact.
The instrument allows for rapid quantification of bacterial counts and compares to conventional laboratory flow cytometers without the tedious sample preparation.
At the same time BactoSense allows for daily maintenance-free field studies and continuous supervision of field sites.
Challenges in the Research Institution
Innovative methods
Remain at the forefront of research and innovation
Develop cutting edge solutions for water analysis (RMM / HFM)
Master global ecosystems overview, based on powerful quantitative analysis
Produce pioneering materials for publications
Field experiments
Confronting theoretical models to real life situations
Create data based on field experiments
Validate concepts with fields data with the same reproducibility / confidence as in the lab
Discover field-based models/concept
Industrial impact
Transfer technological progress to the production
Drive pilot line to give future company-wide recommen-dations
Create innovation values for the company